Week Deals

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey - World #1 Protein Powder
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey - World #1 Protein Powder

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey - World #1 Protein Powder

Get the world's best selling protein powder at Teamaasupplements.com.au today!

For genuine athletes, their workout is more than just physical activity. For them, their gym is more than just a place. Their bicycle is more than just a means of transport. The running track is more than just a street, and every drop of sweat means 100% dedication. Your pupils dilate, your heart rate rises, you may even experience goosebumps, and you know: today you are giving your absolutely EVERYTHING.

For those who are serious about their workout, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey is just the thing. This potent pharmaceutical grade protein supplement is going to be your new favourite workout partner as it provides your body with everything you need for a massive session. Each serving of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey delivers only 1 gram of fat and a powerful load of 24 g of high biologically-valued protein, including micro-filtered Whey Protein Isolate, ultra-filtered Whey Protein Concentrate and hydrolysed Whey Peptides. Optimum Nutrition believes that you should only fuel your body with the best, ideally dosed ingredients. This is why Gold Standard 100% Whey has only 3 g of carbohydrates per serving and no fillers or additives, making it an ideal choice for those on low carbohydrate diets.

  • Banned substance free.
  • 24g protein per serving.
  • Boosts muscle support & recovery.
  • Includes fast-acting Hydro-Whey Hydrolysate Protein.
  • With more than 5 g of naturally occurring BCAA's .
  • For both men & women.

Not without reason, Gold Standard 100% Whey is one of our most favourite whey protein powders on the market. Even world class athletes such as the IFBB pro Steve Cook choose this legendary whey protein mix to boost their performance. The perfect balance of essential and non-essential amino acids in this formula, including an optimal concentration of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA’s) make it stand out from the crowd. As the building blocks of protein, amino acids are vital for muscle growth and recovery. Together with other essential amino acids, BCAA’S increase muscle protein synthesis and therefore boost building muscle. Additionally, BCAA’S help decrease muscle soreness after a tough workout, which usually develops 12 – 24 hours after exercise.

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey is packed with more than 5 g of naturally occurring BCAA's per serving for maximum workout results. Both men and women in Australia use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey to ensure their muscles get the nutrients they need after strenuous exercise. Buying Gold Standard 100% Whey by Optimum Nutrition means saying "no" to banned substances, choosing quality ingredients, appreciating an excellent nutritional profile and trusting one of the world’s most well-known supplement brands as well as your #1 supplement online store! If you’re looking to get that extra protein kick, assist lean muscle and boost recovery, order Gold Standard 100% Whey today – you won’t be disappointed!

Regular price $229.95 View
Nutrex Lipo6 Black
Nutrex Lipo6 Black

Nutrex Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate

EXTREME CAUTION ADVISED: This is by far the strongest LIPO-6 fat burner we have ever released. It’s so strong that you can never take more than one pill. This is an ultra concentrated super potent one pill only fat burner that is designed to assist your body in rapidly destroying fat deposits.

To help ensure that your diet and weight loss goals become a huge success, Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate exerts a powerful appetite suppressing effect. It further ignites an extreme feeling of energy and alertness that will keep you going for hours. To ensure optimum effects, the powerful ingredients of Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate are embedded in fast-absorbing liquid capsules.

Just one pill will set the stage for all-out fat burning. Be warned: Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate is an intense product: A fat destroyer unlike anything else.





Supplements.co.nz Nutrex Lipo-6 Black Ultra Concentrate Recommended Use

Take 1 Black-Cap in the morning and 1 Black-Cap in the afternoon. This is an ultra concentrated formula of extreme potency. NEVER EXCEED 1 BLACK-CAP PER SERVING. NEVER TAKE MORE THAN 2 SERVINGS IN A 24-HOUR PERIOD. Do not take with meals. Consume at least one hour before a meal. Do not take within 6 hours of sleep.

Regular price $85 View

Elite Labs MASS Muscle Gainer 10lb is the Biggest Mass Gainer IN THE WORLD.

When's the last time you thought to yourself, "I'd like to bust my @SS in the gym, struggle to eat enough food, and NOT gain a single pound of muscle?"

That would be never, right? Of course! And that's exactly why if you're a hardgainer struggling to eat enough calories and build the insane size you want, you need to get on Mass Muscle GainerTM today.

Pound-for-pound...and there are 20 BIG ONES inside...Mass Muscle GainerTM is the best VALUE, highest QUALITY, and BIGGEST Weight Gainer in the World. Every serving is packed with 1,000 + mass building calories, 60 grams of premium time-released protein, over 44 grams of amino acids, over 5 grams of Creatine Monohydrate and BCAAs, over 27 grams of Glycine, Platinum CarboCleanTM carbohy- drates, and so much more!


That’s why Mass Muscle GainerTM contains the BEST, most clinically researched mass building ingredients in every serving. Check it out.


In fact, if you’re training like a beast, fueling your body with quality whole foods, and supplementing with Mass Muscle GainerTM – it’s nearly impossible to keep your “skinny card.”

PLUS – every serving is loaded with Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – the BEST and healthiest fats for promoting the shreds and fighting the bulge.

  • Over 1,000 Mass Building Calories
  • 60 grams of Platinum Pro Time Released Protein
  • 174-215 grams of Platinum CarboCleann
  • Over 5 grams of Pharma Grade BCAA’s
  • Over 5 grams of Creatine Monohydrate
  • Over 44 grams of Amino Acids
  • Over 27 grams of pure L-Glycine
  • Essential Fatty Acids, CLA & MCTs
  • 18 key Vitamins 8 Minerals
  • 0 Trans Fat
  • Added Glutamine to Improve Recovery
  • 100mg of EliteZyme Lactase enzyme
  • And 35 Massive Servings in Every Bag 
Sold Out
Vitargo S2
Vitargo S2

What is Vitargo S2?

Vitargo is a patented molecular carbohydrate derived from a special barley starch. S2 means Super Solublemuch easier to mix. VitargoS2 is unique because it is specially processed to yield a molecular profile that is massively different from the carbs that make up sugars (e.g. glucose, fructose, sucrose) and maltodextrin found in ordinary sport, energy, and recovery drinks. Most importantly, Vitargo is proven to work in athletesin university studies. Part of the secret of Vitargo’s IVg technology is the molecular size of Vitargo. Scientists use molecular weight (how heavy the molecule is) to determine the size of molecules. As shown in the table, Vitargo is hundreds and thousands of times larger than maltodextrin and sucrose (dextrose).

But molecular size alone does not make Vitargo the Fastest Muscle Fuel. Vitargo is made through a special fractionation process that makes it rapidly digestible and therefore capable of delivering glucose to the blood, liver, and muscle at least twice as fast as other ordinary carbs.Other so-called high molecular weight carbs are weightless when it comes to proof they have zero university studies showing superior fuel delivery or performance in humans.


Is Vitargo the same thing as waxy maize or high molecular weight starches?

Vitargo can be made from most plant starches that makes Vitargo patented and the Fastest Muscle Fuel is not the source or the molecular size but the unique, patented molecular handprint, proven in university studies in athletes not lab rats or test tubes to greatly outperform other ordinary carbs, from your gut to getting more performance within 2 hours after exhaustive exercise. In fact, the first two studies done on Vitargo used potato starch as the starting source. For several years through 2005, Vitargo was made from a special strain of corn that is higher in starchwaxy maize. This is where other companies have gotten the idea of using different waxy maize starches. However, none of these other, non-Vitargo starches have any human studies showing a Vitargo effect. Furthermore, some of these unproven carbohydrate source might even cost less, however some of them, based upon laboratory analysis, are likely to be indigestible, delivering little or no glucose to the blood, liver, and muscles. If you want Vitargo results get VitargoS2. It’s cheaper to lose.


How does Vitargo work?

Vitargo is a molecule that dwarfs sugars (e.g. glucose, fructose and sucrose) as well as maltodextrin, the carbs found in ordinary energy and recovery drinks. Vitargo’s larger size minimizes its osmolality, which refers to how much water it draws around it. Vitargo’s low osmolality allows it to move through the stomach over 2X faster than other carbohydrates, which tend to act more like a sponge in the stomach. Spending less time in the stomach allows Vitargo to be delivered to the part of the intestinal tract, the duo denum where it is rapidly digested and absorbed. This provides a near immediate surge in energy to blood and muscle, superior to other ordinary carbohydrates. After training or competition is over Vitargo recovers glycogen 168% faster, allowing for an increase in performance up to 23% greater after just two hours when compared to carbohydrates found in ordinary sport and recovery drinks.


Will Vitargo make me feel bloated?

Carbohydrate-based energy and recovery beverages can make you feel bloated. That’s because the type of carbohydrate used in ordinary formulas act like sponges drawing water into the stomach, which can causing uncomfortable bloating, distension, and cramping. Vitargo is a patented molecular carbohydrate form proven to empty from the stomach faster and be absorbed into the body more quickly. In fact, university researchers found that Vitargo emptied from the stomach more than 2X faster than a comparable beverage with sugars and maltodextrin, the types of carbohydrates used in many popular sports/energy and recovery drinks and powders.

This may explain why many of our elite and pro athlete users notice no bloating or heavy stomach feeling when they use Vitargo S2 before or during training or competition.

Sold Out
Jym Supplement Science PreJYM Pre-Workout
Jym Supplement Science PreJYM Pre-Workout

Jym Supplement Science PreJYM Pre-Workout 

Use Jym Supplement Science PreJYM Pre-Workout for clean pumps, endless energy and ultimate workout results! Like every other supplement from Jym, this pre-workout is built on sound knowledge, solid science and quality manufacturing to ensure the best standard. This formula has been designed to increase strength, boost energy and maximise cognitive performance with hand-picked stimulants, synergistic nootropics and clinically researched amino acids for improved lactic acid removal, muscle recovery and enhanced output. If you’d consider yourself a gym enthusiast, athlete or bodybuilder, then this powerful pre-workout is an essential supplement you should have in their arsenal.

  • Boosts energy.
  • Increases strength & endurance.
  • No proprietary blends.
  • With 8 powerful core ingredients.

Each scoop of Jym Supplement Science PreJYM Pre-Workout contains the core ingredients BCAA’S, creatine, citrulline malate, beta-alanine, betaine, alpha GPC, caffeine and huperzine. BCAA’s are branched-chain amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein – muscles cannot grow without them. They help create protein and stop the body from going through its protein stocks as quickly plus they improve mental focus during exercise so that you can fully concentrate on each step in your workout. Beta-alanine is an amino acid your body needs to produce carnosine, which helps improve exercise performance. Caffeine in PreJYM Pre-Workout is a well-proven stimulant that has shown to improve tolerance for pain caused by exercise, increase alertness, sharpen focus, help burn fat, improve mood, and help active people push through tough sessions. Along with other powerful ingredients, this formulation boosts ultimate recovery, focus and energy. Are you ready for the best workout you’ve ever had?

Regular price $117.95 View
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey - World #1 Protein Powder
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey - World #1 Protein Powder

For genuine athletes, their workout is more than just physical activity. For them, their gym is more than just a place. Their bicycle is more than just a means of transport. The running track is more than just a street, and every drop of sweat means 100% dedication. Your pupils dilate, your heart rate rises, you may even experience goosebumps, and you know: today you are giving your absolutely EVERYTHING.

For those who are serious about their workout, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey is just the thing. This potent pharmaceutical grade protein supplement is going to be your new favourite workout partner as it provides your body with everything you need for a massive session. Each serving of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey delivers only 1 gram of fat and a powerful load of 24 g of high biologically-valued protein, including micro-filtered Whey Protein Isolate, ultra-filtered Whey Protein Concentrate and hydrolysed Whey Peptides. Optimum Nutrition believes that you should only fuel your body with the best, ideally dosed ingredients. This is why Gold Standard 100% Whey has only 3 g of carbohydrates per serving and no fillers or additives, making it an ideal choice for those on low carbohydrate diets.

  • Banned substance free.
  • 24g protein per serving.
  • Boosts muscle support & recovery.
  • Includes fast-acting Hydro-Whey Hydrolysate Protein.
  • With more than 5 g of naturally occurring BCAA's .
  • For both men & women.

Not without reason, Gold Standard 100% Whey is one of our most favourite whey protein powders on the market. Even world class athletes such as the IFBB pro Steve Cook choose this legendary whey protein mix to boost their performance. The perfect balance of essential and non-essential amino acids in this formula, including an optimal concentration of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA’s) make it stand out from the crowd. As the building blocks of protein, amino acids are vital for muscle growth and recovery. Together with other essential amino acids, BCAA’S increase muscle protein synthesis and therefore boost building muscle. Additionally, BCAA’S help decrease muscle soreness after a tough workout, which usually develops 12 – 24 hours after exercise.

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey is packed with more than 5 g of naturally occurring BCAA's per serving for maximum workout results. Both men and women in Australia use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey to ensure their muscles get the nutrients they need after strenuous exercise. Buying Gold Standard 100% Whey by Optimum Nutrition means saying "no" to banned substances, choosing quality ingredients, appreciating an excellent nutritional profile and trusting one of the world’s most well-known supplement brands as well as your #1 supplement online store! If you’re looking to get that extra protein kick, assist lean muscle and boost recovery, order Gold Standard 100% Whey today – you won’t be disappointed!

Regular price $134.95 View

BSN Syntha-6 

Use the power of six different types of protein for ultimate fitness results! BSN Syntha-6 is an effective ‘time-release’ protein powder that contains different types of proteins, all of which are digested at differing rates. This process helps sustain your blood amino acid levels for longer, resulting in a longer and stronger workout. BSN Syntha-6’s full spectrum of amino acids plus fast, medium, and slow-digesting proteins get you ready for a massive session, keep you there for longer and help you to recover faster.

  • Boosts lean muscle gain.
  • Improves muscle recovery.
  • Increases muscle growth & endurance.
  • Assists with weight maintenance.
  • Source of extra protein & nutrition.

Each serve of BSN Syntha-6 contains 22g of an ultra-premium protein blend and added Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). Furthermore, it contains fibre, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals as well as added digestive enzymes for better digestion, protein utilization and intestinal health. If you’re struggling to get enough protein from your regular diet, this supplement is for you! It can be used as a pre- and post-workout and is the perfect addition to your existing protein intake between meals. You can use this powerhouse as a nutritionally complete meal replacement throughout the day or before bed. BSN Syntha-6 boosts your lean muscle growth and won’t leave you feeling bloated like other protein supplements. Simply mix one scoop with water, combine it with a balanced diet and regular exercise and increase your muscle growth, endurance and recovery!

Regular price $109.95 View